The leadership and staff of the American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc. (ABPANC) met recently in Fort Lauderdale to develop a multi-year strategic plan. As part of this planning process, the board reviewed and updated its mission statement.
Lynn Nolan, MSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA, NEA-BC, and ABPANC’s president remarked, “Our new mission: elevating perianesthesia nursing excellence, knowledge, and patient advocacy through certification, truly communicates the purpose of our organization and embodies the values of our community of nurses. This mission statement recognizes that our certification improves the experiences and the outcomes for patients.”
Katherine Houle, MSN, RN, CPAN, and ABPANC’s president-elect agrees. “I feel energized by the direction of our new mission and our enduring focus on perianesthesia nurses and the patients we serve. This fully aligns with our redesigned logo which focuses on excellence, knowledge, and advocacy.”
The organization’s mission statement was last revised over two decades ago.