ABPANC Certification Scholarship Program
A limited number of scholarships are available each year for perianesthesia nurses to obtain:
- Certification Fees ($350.00)
- Recertification Fees ($194.00)
Initial Certification Policies Recertification Policies Scholarship Application
Scholarship applications received between December 1 through May 31 will be considered for the Fall exam window; applications received June 1 through November 30 will be considered for the Spring exam window.
Applicants will be notified by June 20 for the Fall exam window and December 20 for the Spring exam window whether or not they will receive a scholarship.
Applicants must submit the completed electronic ABPANC Scholarship Application form during the appropriate application window (Fall or Spring) that includes:
- Complete contact information for scholarship applicant;
- Verification from the nurse manager that the following eligibility requirements for recertification of CPAN or CAPA status have been met as follows:
- Current, unrestricted RN Licensure in the US or any of its territories which use the NCSBN NCLEX exam as the basis for determining RN licensure;
- 1,200 hours of perianesthesia clinical experience within the three year certification period
- Verification from the nurse manager or HR Department staff that the employer offers no monetary support for seeking CAPA/CPAN certification (for initial certification applicants) or CAPA/CPAN recertification (for recertification applicants).