Felicia Selman | BSN, RN, CAPA
My Certification Story
My coaching passion started many years ago by understanding all the requirements and the preparation it takes as a Foreign Educated Nurse; I was privileged to assist nurses to prepare for the US licensure examination. After obtaining my CAPA certification, I felt compelled to coach others. Perianesthesia nurses perform exceptionally in our chosen specialty, but need guidance to know all the resources that are available. The coaching experience is rewarding when you coach your colleagues to navigate the process and successfully achieve certification. Take the step, join the elite group of ABPANC Certification coaches, you will not regret the journey. Preparing for any board certification creates anxiety because it takes time, commitment and preparation. Like any journey you have to plan the course you’ll take. My motivation to become a CPAN/CAPA Certification Coach is the support that ABPANC provides the coaches; you are not navigating the journey alone.
My Benefits
The major challenges are for the candidate to make that one decision. Once that decision is made, the rewards are mutual, to see the: "I got it", "I can do this" motivates to me, to keep on. The greatest reward is the "Congratulations notice to the newly Certified CPAN/CAPA nurse." If you are interested in becoming a Certification Coach, please contact Zelda Williams at zwilliams@cpancapa.org
My Advice
You know what it takes to become a board certified nurse in your specialty. Certified nurse’s improves the quality of care deliver to patients. Make the decision today to become a coach, you are not required to teach, the goal is to help the candidates identify and use helpful strategies available.