Kristi Nichols | RN, CAPA
My Certification Story
I had been an RN for almost 20 years when I went into perianesthesia nursing. I had found where I belonged. I wanted to learn everything I could about perianesthesia nursing. I worked with a couple of RNs that were already certified. I started to do some research and really liked what the certification meant, what it did for a nurse’s career. So I decided to go for it. When I passed the certification it was like a validation that I was really good at what I do. It’s a great feeling.
My Study Strategies
The resources provided by ABPANC were exactly what I needed. The format was my learning style; how I get the most out of studying and learning. The practice tests were my favorite; they are exactly like the test I sat for. The practice tests really prepared me for the exam.
My Benefits
Quality of care and patient satisfaction is of utmost priority in my workplace. The patients notice the “certified RN” on the badge and they ask us about it. When I explain, patients seem to be more at ease prior to their procedures. I’ve also become a resource to my co-workers who are now interested in becoming certified.
My Advice
A couple of nurses that I work with needed to take the test a second time. They have said taking the test helps them to identify what they needed to focus on. They also said they were more at ease the second time. Taking the certification exam is absolutely worth it. Study daily and keep going until you achieve the goal.