Stacie Vanderver | BSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA
My Certification Story
I transferred to our PACU unit after 7 years of being a general care pediatric nurse. I had a lot of ICU and PACU skills to learn. After 5 years of working in our pediatric PACU, I began to want more and wanted to learn as much as I could. I began studying for the CPAN exam and took it in the fall of 2018. I was very nervous and overwhelmed with so much to learn, especially never working in an ICU. I learned so much in studying and was able to become an even more knowledgeable preceptor. The CPAN test was hard but with a lot of hard work and studying I passed it. I would definitely recommend the CPAN/CAPA study app and the "Certification Review for Paranesthesia Nursing." I then took the CAPA exam in the Spring of 2019 and passed that exam as well. This test was much easier for me because of my previous nursing experience and because I had already studied so much for the CPAN exam the previous fall. I am very happy and blessed to be certified.
My Study Strategies
"The Certification Review Book for Peranesthesia Nursing" was the best help for me. I also used the CPAN/CAPA review app/questions. Anything I wanted to learn more about, I would find in the "Drain's Paranesthesia Nursing: A Critical Care Approach" and read up on. This gave me huge success for passing.
My Benefits
I was studying for the CPAN exam during the semester I was preceptor to a senior nursing student. I was able to teach her so much more then I had been able to teach my students in the past. We would take quizzes together. It was a great bonding experience and it also helped her study and pass her tests during the Critical Care Class she was taking that semester. She went on to pass her boards without any issues and says how much studying with me helped.
My Advice
Continue studying and don't give up. Definitely get the "Certification Review for Perianesthesia Nursing" and download the CPAN/CAPA handbook on your phone. Practice with as many questions as you can. You got this!